Babies are here!

We have four calves on the ground as of yesterday. & Let me tell you I love, love, love.....when we start having babies hit the ground! It's probably my favorite part about Cody raising bucking cattle. 

Here is a little heifer we had about seven days ago. Isn't she beautiful!? Well,  let me tell you the story behind her. She came into this world and straight out of her mothers womb and into a hole of some sort. It looked like it would have been an old coyote den or maybe an armadillo hole. Luckily Cody and I were making our afternoon rounds and noticed the cow off in the distance. As we got closer we saw the back half of her sticking out of the ground! Yes, she fell into the hole - head first! Cody pulled her out and she wasn't doing so well. We ended up putting her in the truck, with the heater on full blast, and dried her off. Cody gave her a couple of injections and finally after a couple of hours we got her to stand up but she would keep falling down! On a positive note, she did look as if she had perked up some so we left her with her mom and headed back to the house for the night. Cody had jury duty in the morning so I was left with the responsibility of going to town to get Colostrum and milk just in case she was bad off and we would end up having to bottle feed. (Just so everyone knows - YES! I was secretly hoping I would get to make her my bottle baby!) As soon as I got back from town I hopped in the farm truck and headed out to the cow pasture and sure enough there she was laying, bright-eyed, holding her head up, in some tall grass. She has been doing great since then!


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