My cowboy.

In about 4 months I will be marrying my cowboy. However, I don't always remember him being a cowboy. You see I met Cody when I was about thirteen. & well over the years we remained pretty good friends (I could always tell he wanted to do the whole boyfriend - girlfriend thing) but it took me a while to come to my senses.  Cody would probably say I was being stubborn! Anyways, I finally decided I had to give it a shot and well as of January 28th, 2011 it's been three years since I've called Oklahoma my "home" and three years we've been together!

 Now back to Cody being a cowboy. Yes, he is 100% cowboy and he just wouldn't have it any other way and well neither would I. It's like you can't take the boy out of the country for more than three days or he starts having major withdrawals. From sun up to sun down at our place it pretty much consists of feeding bulls, watering bulls, checking cows, tending to horses, fixing fence, putting out hay, tending to hurt bulls, and the list goes on and on and it repeats itself every single day. Sounds fun right?! It's actually not so bad but yes, it's a whole lot of work! Strange thing is I don't think Cody would pick anything in the entire world over what he does. Well except maybe if he could be a professional team roper but no worries - he's working on that weekly! Even though I still don't think he'd give up the bulls and the ranch :) Cody works real hard at what he does and I know he hasn't been in business for long but so far he's done pretty well for himself! I love my cowboy & wouldn't trade our life for anything!

Here's my cowboy.

His buckle he won this past weekend in a team roping!


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