Friends! Church! + Team Roping!

Last weekend was a pretty good weekend around here! Cody and I were both home! Together - which doesn't happen that often. Cody's usually somewhere across the map hauling bulls to the PBR. I myself am usually back here in Oklahoma holding things down on this end. Traveling is fun and don't get me wrong I love to travel (to like tropical locations) but going to the same places every single year, for the same exact event, with the same exact people.....gets boring! The first year or maybe even year and half I went to every single event Cody hauled bulls to. I just got to the point where I was sick and tired of traveling and it got old! So now I pretty much stay back home and do things I like to do and have time to myself when he's gone. Plus I do have six dogs to take care of!  It's just kind of nice to not be glued to his side 24-7 gives you a chance to actually miss your other half.

Anyways, back to this past weekend. Friday night Cody & I went to Dry Beaver with the Thrasher's. Dry Beaver is a steak house about 5 mins from our house. It's out in the country and a lot of local people from right around here go. They have the best steaks and the best margarita's! The Thrasher's are really good friends of ours. Cody actually went to school with Cody Thrasher. About a year ago Cody & Holly bought interest in some of our bulls and cows. Since then Holly and I have became good friends and we have a lot in common. She runs a small photography business as well! It was a really nice time that was way over due! & who cares if all we talked about was bulls and photography!? LOL!

Sunday morning Cody & I got up and went to church! I was so excited about this & I am looking forward to going back this weekend! You see I am a Catholic and I have went through the whole process all the way up to being confirmed. Cody on the other hand is a Baptist and growing up he went to church a lot and was really good about going. However, since we got together not once have we taken time out to figure how we would end up doing this. I would occasionally go to church with Cody's grandma (who is Catholic) and one time I got Cody to come with us and he just wasn't really feeling it. So I agreed to go with him to the Baptist church. I'm not going to lie I was really nervous because I've never been to any church other than a Catholic church. But I am really glad I went. I honestly liked it and I think that as long as Cody and I have a place that we can both go to together and praise God then that's all that matters!

We wrapped up the afternoon with heading to Velma to the Morgan's for a little jackpot team roping. I actually WENT! YES I WENT! This is a BIG DEAL!!! I um...strongly DISLIKE team roping! Sorry, but it's the longest, most drawn out, rodeo sport ever created! I think in the three years Cody and I have been together this is the third time I have gone to one! LOL! But, I went and I didn't complain not once! I won't say exactly how Cody roped.........he was just a little off his game. I on the other hand brought my camera and a book to keep me busy and before you knew it we were done and on our way home!

Here are just a few random shots while I sat back and enjoyed the team roping......haaaa!


Cody Thrasher said...

I'll be happy to take your place on some of those road trips to PBR events! I'm looking forward to it.

You are right about our dinner double date being overdue. We had a great time and look forward to the next one.

We have gone to several Baptist churches around, but with Holly's dad being a Baptist preacher, she is awfully picky when it comes to the preachers. I tried to get her to go to Letitia several times, but she never has given in. Maybe she will give in now that you guys went, and we can go one Sunday in the near future. I used to live half a mile south of Letitia on Highway 65 and went there a lot as a kid.

Holly said...

We did have such a great time with you guys. Maybe we can start making it a habit to get with you guys... And I agree.. Who cares we talked about bulls and pictures the whole time!! :)

I love the pic of Cody's name!! That is a great one!!!

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